What We Love Wednesday – Scripture Typer

What We Love Wednesday – Scripture Typer

Growing up, whenever I would ride with my dad, I would flip through these small AWANA verse packs he kept in his car.  I was always amazed that I could flip to any verse, give the reference and he could say the verse.  He certainly found a method of memorizing scripture that worked for him, but as an adult I struggled to find a method that worked for me.  I tried journaling, notecards, highlighting – nothing seemed to give me the consistency of hiding God’s Word in my heart like I wanted.

Then a few years ago during Navigators at West Point, a friend introduced me to Scripture Typer!

Scripture Typer is kind of like a video game for Bible memory.  You earn points for memorizing and reviewing verses.  It is the only method of Bible memorization that has worked consistently for me as an adult.

It is really simple: plug verses in and then work to master each one. You can even choose preset groups of scripture based on topic.  It has three levels of helps to build you up to typing the verse completely on your own.  You don’t even have to type the whole verse – just the first letter of every word, which makes it quick and efficient.

Then once you master a verse, it automatically sets up a review schedule for each mastered verse, ranging from every day to once a year.  (I cap mine at to review every six months.)

You earn points for your verses, can work to earn badges and see your progress against others on the leaderboard.

It has been very effective for me.  If I run across a verse I want to memorize while I’m reading or listening to a sermon, I simply plug it in to have for later.  Then I spend about 10-15 minutes each morning (most of the time before I even get out of bed) reviewing the verses for the day.

A few years ago I was challenged to memorize the book of James and this app gave me the tools to do it!

It’s not just for adults – it’s perfect for kids too!

Check it out here!

What ways have you found to be most effective for memorizing Scripture?

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